
Break It Up Now.

Break! Finally!

It's such a relief. I have to say I was getting a little overwhelmed with everything (and anything).

But unfortunately all the bloggers seem to have disappeared because they off doing interesting break activities. I, on the other hand, have all the time in the world, as I am indeed from the West Coast and staying on campus all week (except perhaps a quick foray into NYC).

I'm seeing all these albums in my Facebook feed of my high school classmates going home and meeting up in all the old hang-outs. It's quite depressing! I am marooned here in my greenhouse of a dorm room watering everyone's plants, doing fridge poetry and wondering if I can somehow access my roommate's color printer. But I imagine that at this point that going back would entail both flying across the country again (medium to large fear of planes) and being confronted by all my elderly relatives who have no concept of college before the 1950's. Then again, I don't exactly feel like having a lot of nudge nudge- wink wink moments with my cousins. So, altogether, probably a good thing I am not home.

I'm sure it has been said before, but the "dining facilities" available to students on October Break are severely lacking. Honestly,  UPC is closed, the Retreat is only open at odd hours and ACDC is more or less open but serves a limited amount of hot food- or at least a limited amount of anything that can be considered edible - (yes, I'm not even a semester in and sick of the DC).
Last night I resorted to eating what appeared to be baked cheese in a dish. Really.
For the record, it wasn't worth it.  I'm sensing another Target run in my future to stock up on necessities for the times like this (apocalypse type scenery: barren pathways, leaves everywhere) when the DC just isn't worth the trek across the street.

The tub of stale candy corn I stashed on my roommates bed (it's such a convenient storage unit.) is looking pretty decent at the moment.

Wait! I've just remembered my Dan Brown novel. Salvation at last.

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