Have a wonderful summer - we'll be back (with you!) in the fall!
~The Blog9 Team
108 Degrees and All is Well
Working almost 40 hours a week.
Rehearsing five nights a week from 6:30 until whenever the hell our insane director lets us leave (last summer it was usually before midnight. Usually being the operative word).
Eating fruit in massive quantities.
Selling my soul to the oil companies, or possibly trying to singlehandly retrofit my car so that it runs on vegetable oil.
Home friends.
Missing VC friends.
Did I mention sweating?
come visit me, what happens here stays here (unless you're Britney)
On Being a Kid
(Needless to say, my semester's done. That's cool.)
There's my sweet young aunt, my funny young uncle, and their three boys ages 6,8, and 11 who are all funny, super-smart, crazy, and total sweet-hearts. I love being around all five.
Last night, I slept on dinosaur sheets... This morning I played 2 on 2 basketball with them and made some sweet 3-pointers!
In other words, I'm adopting the life of a 9-year-old boy, and I love it. It's something we should all get back to sometimes--it's simple. The rules of life are simple. Don't steal the ball when it's not your turn, try hard, laugh a lot, run around, and sometimes you've just got to have a wrestle fight in the grass even if some people don't like it.
Being around the three boys reminded me just how much kids are real people. I think as we get older we tend to forget that.
This afternoon they were fascinated by my digital camera (hell, it fascinates me too--uh, I mean, "well," not "hell"; I can't sweart here!) and I let them use it and take pictures (close-ups of my feet, anyone? sure!). Then I took a few videos of them with the video function and they watched them over and over again.
I love these kids, basically, and I'm glad I have the privilege of watching them grow up and growing up with them--or I guess now I'm growing down.
And it's good.
I hope everyone is either finishing exams/papers well or enjoying their first few days home. Take a risk, be wild, act like the kid you still are. 18 or 19 means nothing.
I'm Going to Miss This

Today, I decided to take all my pictures off my wall. It looks really sad. While putting them away, I found notes that we had all written to each other after a play I was in senior year. I just finished reading them. I feel like I’ve changed a lot from the person they describe, and I’m trying to figure out if it’s in good or bad ways. I think a little bit of both. I’m glad to be going home soon, because I want to return somewhat to the me in those notes. Not that I’ll loose what Vassar has added, of course. Especially all the amazing people who have helped me through.
Whenever I think of how soon I’m going home, I get really excited. But then I remember I have to pack, clean, take an exam, and say goodbye to everyone. That makes me a little less excited. But I did steal a tray (with trayfitti) from the DC to preserve it for next year! And to go traying.
I know you will all have amazing summers, but aren’t we all going to miss this? If you need more proof, just look at that picture. I can’t wait to see you all again next year!
I Wanna Go Home
But I'm here now.
It feels weird being home. It doesn't quite feel right here. For the first time since I've been at Vassar, some of my "Vassar self" is slowly leaking into my "home self" with astonishing quickness. My sibs love it. We'll see what my rents think. haha.
I miss Vassar. I have virtually no friends here to chill with... Hopefully I'll be able to rectify that soon... If I have time... I'll be working my ass off over the summer. Fun stuff....
It took me seven hours to pack... We'll see how long it takes me to unpack.
That's what I'm off to do now.
My room needs a paint job.
I'm thinking burgundy.
So this will be my last post as a Joss correspondent, because I am moving to a GLORIOUS apartment next year, where no one will vom on my bathroom floor (hopefully) or scream outside my window at 4 AM. It's a little bittersweet at the same time, because I'll miss being able to run up and down the halls and visit my friends whenever I want, but the benefits far outweigh the losses. So prepare yourselves for The Adventures of Littleone Off-Campus (volume one: Adventures in Cooking OR Littleone Sets the Oven on Fire).
(ESPECIALLY SINCE THE DC BAGELS ARE APPARENTLY INFESTED. Oh my GOD, I eat those every day. Including this morning. I am seriously holding back my gag reflex right now. If you don't know what I'm talking about, check Mads or the Vassar Livejournal community... unless you have a weak stomach or have recently eaten a bagel from the DC.)
Back on track, though...
This year. What can I say? I don't know where to start. It wasn't what I expected. Nothing about this school is what I expected. Which isn't to say I'm unhappy - I really do love Vassar.
I forgot that your status somewhere else doesn't automatically transfer. I was first in my class in high school, in the top level of dance in a fairly competitive program, building up a reputation in the theatre community in my city... yeah, none of that came with me to Vassar. There are a lot of people here that are a LOT smarter than me, I didn't even get into VRDT, and... well... the theatre thing went well, so I guess I'm good at something. But as I learned in high school, so too am I learning in college - if you want respect, you kind of have to work your ass off to get it. And I'm doing that. And I love it.
I will miss you all during this long, hot (I hate living in the desert) summer. If you need me, you will be able to find me drowning my sorrows at Del Taco.
It's Over! (ish)
-Getting back on a normal sleep schedule
-Eating home cooking
-Making different kinds of soup :d
-Doing some reading for pleasure (I'm thinking about finally investing time to read the Lord of the Rings)
-Write!! I wrote this short story last year which is sort of nothing on its own, but I now have an idea for a full story and context. I'm looking forward to putting that down in form.
What I will miss:
-Laughter about random things that don't make sense
-Laughter about intelligent, witty things
-UPC runs
-RISK playing :D
Well, that's it for me. I wish you all luck on your finals, and a safe trip hope!
Enjoy the summer,
P.S. Pick up a copy of Helicon (the literary magazine) in the library or other highly traveled locations!
Who naps with their blinds open?!
anyway, the list. things we're gonna miss about vc.
r the g
hipster royalty
fucking up my stir fry
getting $7.50 for my $200 bio book
nicknames and the people who have them
free condoms
kid with cape
kid with leopard hair
cosmo story excerpt readings
dmn (the game and the person)
the m
christmas lights year round in a noncreepy way
boys with scruff
gossip girl/project runway gatherings
"hansel, he's so hot right now"
have safe trips home and have a great summer,
The End of This Chapter
Ciao ciao ciao ciao a tutti!
Well, today will be short and (hopefully) sweet. I am finished with this year. I'm sad to see it go but I had my moments and now it's time for new ones, not that I'll ever forget the old. I have taken my finals, finished my essays, stored my things (I didn't realize how much stuff I had here...sad), and for the most part filled my suitcases. Friday, I am on a plane back home. I have packed up my life here and it is ready to relocate. Have a wonderful summer all of you and I'll see you next year!
P.S.- My room looks disgustingly bare and unfriendly. Oh well...
---On average, it takes two tablespoons of blood to get a man's penis erect. (Just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine GO DOWN....Don't ask me where that came from, I don't know)
---The G-spot, a sensitive area located inside the vagina on the upper wall, an inch or two behind the back of the pubic bone, is named for Dr. Ernest Grafenberg. (Hahaha...wow, wouldn't I like to have something that gives so much pleasure to women /9or anyone) named after me! I think I should go invent some type of amazing vibrator or discover a body part....oooh my summer plans are piling up)
---The vagina and the eye are self-cleaning organs.
---The prophet Hosea was commanded to marry a prostitute because Israel, herself, hath committed great whoredom. (hahaha...wow. And we thought we had problems)
---The word "ejaculation" comes from the Latin word meaning "throwing out." (So when was the last time you ejaculated via intercourse or masturbation? I just had a conversation about this earlier.)
---A dragonfly's penis has a shovel on the end that scoops out a rival male's semen (I've actually seen this happen. Kinda trippy)
---The average gorilla weighing 200 pounds has a penis that is two inches long. (I love gorillas!)
---According to psychologists, the shoe and the foot are the most common sources of sexual fetishism in Western society. (Why??? I guess it could be worse....)
---Aphallatosis is a mental disorder resulting from a lack of sex life. (Well, we have a lot of people suffering from that on this campus....)
Pace ed amore,
Tough Year for Transfers: 3% Acceptance Rate at Vassar

For the Fall of '08, only 10 out of over 300 applicants were offered a spot. This comes in the wake of pending plans to renovate Davison House, forcing Vassar into a housing crunch for the 2008-09 year.
The exceptionally low acceptance rate of 3% is unprecedented in recent Vassar history, and is beginning to resemble the single-digit acceptance rate commonly affiliated with the Ivy League Schools.
The implications of such statistics in the long term are unclear.
Please note that Vassar Admissions has yet to publish the official statistics of transfer applicants for 2008-09.
And the Winner Is....
Last night was the season finale of Cycle 10 of America's Next Top Model. After a Covergirl commercial shoot, the final three were narrowed down to the final two. Fatima was eliminated, leaving Whitney and Anya to battle it out in the runway fashion show. The show was in Italy and the clothes were picked by Donatella Versace herself. The girls gave it their all but when it came time to chose the winner, Whitney was chosen. She became the show's first ever full-figured model to win.
SGPG's take: I have been a fan of Whitney since day one. Not only is she an absolutely beautiful girl, but she really does feel confident in her own skin. Most of the time, full-figured models come into the competition and eventually they loose their composure and their insecurities come through. This was never the case with Whitney and I admired her for that. However, as much as I loved her I don't think she deserved to win more than Anya. Anya was an amazing model from day one. She took gorgeous pictures and was the type of person that you just wanted to be best friends with. Although both were talented, I feel that in the end Anya was more talented. That being said, Whitney did a fantastic job also. Overall, it was a great season. And I cannot wait for Cycle 11! |
Stand On the Winner Platform, It’s Fun
I’m not an art student, so I don’t know if all this artwork is coming out of one course or multiple ones. Whatever the source, I love the way its products are distributed, and fact that they’ve spilled out of the gallery in Main into the entire building and the rest of the campus (even Sunset Lake...someone get that artist antibiotics, please). Some of us don’t often go out of our way to appreciate student artwork, so it’s kinda nice to have it shoved in our faces once in a while.
So props to the balloon kid. Also to whoever made those perspective pyramids on that path between campus and the TAs. Oh, and the candelabra by the Infodesk is sweet, too.
Good luck on exams, everyone. Recycle!
It's Been Lovely
What's yours?
Luvs and hugs,
Dyamond Phillips
No Complainin' Here
It's a music video for an amazing Indian song, with fake english subtitles. I like the song itself and the guy is fuckin adorable, but if you go in expecting the english subtitles to be stupid,like I did, you're in for a pleasant surprise, as I was.
I want to be in Bollywood (not that this is).
strange and chunky. What is going on with our showers? There's been much hubbub in our bathrooms lately. When do y'all go home? I don't want to.
wow! Primal Scream was grrrrreat! I love to scream and yes, I'm bragging, but I have the best screams ever screamed in all...man, that's a strange word. Think of it. "scrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeam"..it just sounds shrill and abrasive. Like my loud sound. Goodbye, folks. Have good summers and like....don't get pregnant, catch diseases, discover your parent' hidden life as a gangster, be dumped by your significant other of five years, have your pet die, or eat fast food over the vacation. But do, however, white-water raft and dance and sing a lot. That's all you need in life to make you happy. If you feel like shit, dance and sing. and exercise. then drink yourself into a sad little bubble and sleep on it. and wear more pink and green together.
From the Desk of SQUIRM
Sasha (literary editor and head of the org)
SPRiNKLES's Take: DAYMN this late in the school year? A bit of a risky move, if you ask me.... I know I'll be picking up my copy, though - I loves me Squirm! Go get some sexiness, too! |
Mads Freezes Comments
"We've been inundated with spam in the last few hours and we need to freeze commenting for the time being. Thanks for your patience and your comments will be published soon.
Wednesday 8PM"
No doubt this is in response to what is possibly the most controversial comment war in the history of the blog. Oddly enough, it stemmed from the accident in the library. Mads posted a little more info about it than some people liked, and now finds itself amidst a battle between Mads lovers and haters. Among the various topics touched upon in the comments is the question as to whether Mads should be considered a gossip site or a news site.
I personally like to think of it as an inside scoop as to what's going on around campus, gossip or otherwise.
That said, Mads, I feel your pain!
We had a bit of a snafu when we first started over a similar incident.
My advice to Mads: keep on trucking!
If 200,000 hits doesn't validate a blog, I dunno what does....
(40,000 maybe??)
Injury More Serious Than We Know?
What I overlooked originally is that she says tonight at 8:00 there will be a "gathering" on the Chapel Lawn.
To say the least, this definitely puts the incident in a new light.
For those interested in the Vassar community drama, there's a very interesting comment war going on at Mads. I recommend checking it out. That's what I've been doing instead of studying for my astronomy final...
Good luck to all of you with all your various endeavors.
It's that time again...
Last night was fun, with the midnight breakfast (I was more interested in the company than the food), the naked run (ha!), and the fire show. It was a fun time to hang out with various friends.
Needless to say, the incident in the library was frightening, and my roommate was there and came back quite shell-shocked. Here at Blog9 we sincerely hope that he will be okay, and since do not wish to propagate any rumors there will be no speculating or discussion of the incident.
On a lighter note, today I'm going to study for a while, then I have an exam from 5 to 7, then I'll have a victory dinner with some friends. Then one more exam tomorrow and I'm finished for the semester... Ahh... Otherwise, I'm looking forward to stealing my roommate's Glamour magazine to read on the quad!
Good luck with exams!
To Clear the Rumors
Just a reminder to everybody out there to be careful and take care of yourselves. Good luck on finals.
We come to you today with very important news.
Due to several important factors - everyone's leaving campus, summer will be busy for both correspondents and you, and, above all, our impending refresh - we decided at our last meeting to go on FULL HIATUS effective Wednesday, May 21.
That means that after next week Tuesday (5/20), there will not be any new posts on Blog9 until after summer break. No worries, though - we will definitely be back in the fall with some awesome stories about our summer, new correspondents, and a fresh look!
So keep us bookmarked! Thank you for your faithful reading, and good luck on your exams!
~The Blog9 Team
Getting It On Globally
1. Greece: 87%
2. Brazil: 82%
6. Italy: 76%
8. Spain: 72%
11. South Africa: 71%
23. United Kingdom: 55%
25. United States: 53%
26. Japan: 34%
26 countries were surveyed, 1,000 people in each country... looks like the U.S. has some catching up to do. Or we're just less promiscuous. ;)
Full results of the survey, which includes many more interesting topics, can be found here (click on "SWGS Findings").
Source: OUT Magazine, June/July 2008 issue
Amid All the Stress
Good luck to you all!
As Time Goes By
As a result, I've realized that I'm sad that I won't be seeing some of these wonderful people until next fall, possibly longer for those who are graduating. I know I've made permanent friendships, though, because I feel like I've known some of my friends here for years. I find it strange that after only 8 months, I feel like I would be lost without some of these people.
I want to thank those who have made this year great, and who sustained my sanity when I needed it most; you'll be hearing from me in person. :)
Callooh! Callay!
Want New Posts?
Today's a sloooowwww day. Everyone's finally buckling down for the upcoming exam week!
Have a personal story you'd like to share? Send it to lifeinthe9@gmail.com!
We look forward to hearing from you!
~The Blog9 Team
What I'm Listening To
Yea, that's a sample of the Sex and the City theme. The song's titled "Labels or Love" and it's being used for the upcoming film's opening credits. Didn't like it at first, but after several listens, I'm hooked. It's infectious.
muah! sprink.
I am shocked that this has happened. How can a father go through with something like this? To completely ruin his daughter's life (not to mention the lives of all her children and his wife) in such an appalling way? Can anyone reading this article even fathom the idea of locking up an 18-year-old girl for 24 YEARS and having 7 children with her? Because I can't. It makes every part of me ache, honestly.
To me, this case reveals a glimmer of the extent to which a human psyche can become fucked up. And who's to say that there aren't other cases like this out there (and even worse, perhaps, though it's hard to imagine having it any worse)?
Thank God we as humans have societal standards, and a means to punish these perverts.
Unregrettably Yours
For instance, a book I need for one of my final papers is MIA in the library. Woe is me.
But honestly, there's no need to panic. I just need to climb to see blue skies, simply because they're there and I know I can reach them easily. You can too.
Luvs and hugs,
Dyamond Phillips
Mother's Day!
Oh, and watch this lovely ballad:
Don't Worry; Be Happy
I think this is good and bad. It is good because I don't have to deal with the feeling of absolute doom that some of my friends are dealing with now (don't worry guys, it will all be over soon!). But on the other hand, sometimes I don't realize just how much effort something is going to take until I sit down to do it a day or two before it is due. I am desperately trying to break out of my habits of procrastination, but it is so difficult. I know in the end that it will all get done. And I know, or at least I hope, that ultimately I'll get a good grade and everything will be fine. I hope this isn't sounding cocky. I don't mean it to be at all. I just think that too often people stress about things to the point where they doom themselves to failure, and it doesn't need to be that way. So, even if you are swimming in work (as I think most of us are) just try to think positively... Yes, you have a lot to do but when you finish it will be summer! Good luck with the rest of the year!
Ciao ciao ciao a tutti!
I hope that you all went to see "A Winter's Tale" this weekend. One of my best friends was in it and they were all amazing! They reminded me of how much I love Shakespeare and outdoor theatre.
Tonight there is an AirCappella/Devils concert in Rocky 200 at 8 PM and it will be fabulous!
So because it is May, there are these daily celebrations called May Days of 2008 series. All 31 days of May have been designated their own theme. This was initially intended to be a small event series for random facebook people and it's not official, but they figured they'd open it to the world. So, anybody may celebrate. You may do the whole series or choose specific days to participate in. HAVE FUN!
Here are the upcoming May Day themes: (and you can find these on facebook!)
5/11/08: International Condiment Day (ya...don't ask me)
5/12/08: International Powerthirst Day
5/13/08: International Smack An Ass Day
5/14/08: International ...In Bed Day
5/15/08: International Gum-Chewing Day
5/16/08: International Sexual Act Day
5/17/08: International Whipped Cream Day
5/18/08: International Photograph Your Day Day
5/19/08: International Sexican Day
5/20/08: International Sexual Innuendo Day
5/21/08: International Tickle Day
5/22/08: International Gluten-Free Day
5/23/08: International Bagel Day
5/24/08: International Videogame Marathon Day
5/25/08: International Vegetarian Day
5/26/08: International Humorous T-Shirt Day
5/27/08: International Zombie Day
5/28/08: International Spontaneous Orgasm Day
5/29/08: International Are You Nervous Day
5/30/08: International Blame It On _____ Day
5/31/08: International National Foods Day
And here are your
---According to the book Hidden Bedroom Partners: Needs and Motives That Destroy Sexual Pleasure, what your partner does after sex may have lots of hidden meanings. Immediately rolling over and going to sleep may indicate anger. Going to the bathroom may reflect feelings of guilt. (And if you cry during???)
---The typical person spends about 600 hours having sex between the ages of 20 and 70. (Jezzey Chrezzy!)
---Researchers say that condoms exposed to smog and ozone are less effective. (So scientific!)
---According to certain rabbinical interpretations, Adam had sex with animals. (I do not mean to offend anyone!)
---Erect giraffe penises are four feet long. (Ouch.....)
Pace ed amore,
The Beginning of the End
A Happier Teaser
THREE HOURS?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?
I haven't finished watching Volume Two, which I heard (and have seen so far) was nowhere near as good as Volume One. Volume Three: Villains looks intriguing at the very least.
The Tragedy of Hollywood

This is not a mockup or photoshop; this is the ACTUAL teaser poster for S. Darko, the sequel to, you guessed it, Donnie Darko. Now, Donnie Darko is, in my opinion, one of the greatest films ever made. It's one of those films that you either love or you hate, and I love it.
Thing about it is it didn't make a lot of money when it was released. It came out just after 9/11, and many people just weren't in the mood for crazy psychotic rabbits and a time warp story. The film did well in DVD sales, and started a cult following.
So in my opinion, this move is odd - Donnie Darko wasn't the most successful film ever - it wasn't even a blockbuster. So my guess is Velvet Octopus (the production company) is banking on the cult following of the original to go see this one. Except the cult following doesn't want a sequel. Nothing could ever possibly live up to Donnie Darko.
Oh, and Richard Kelly, the writer and director of the original, ISN'T EVEN INVOLVED.
What kills me even more is a member of the production team, Simon Crowe, said: "Donnie's not in [the new film] but there are meteorites and rabbits." METEORITES and RABBITS? REALLY? Is that was Donnie Darko was about? PLANE TURBINES and RABBITS? Come on!
You can go read the article here, and then go gouge your eyes out with other Donnie Darko lovers at the Comingsoon.net forum here.
Miscellaneous tidbits grabbed from my brain
Animal Horns, Vaginas, and Peace
So I'm really excited to say that today is.......
International Be Sexually Inappropriate With Your Friends Day
Yay! Go get your grab on! (But make sure you let them know that it's a special occasion....)
While you may already be sexually inappropriate with your friends on a daily basis, today you actually have an excuse. Plus it's fun seeing awkward glances from people, right???
And here are your....
---"Reltney" is archaic slang for "penis" and "Hockey" is archaic slang for "semen." So....what's vagina? and eggs?
---John Harvey Kellogg (who invented Kellogg's Corn Flakes) invented corn flakes as a meatless breakfast food, designed to reduce the sexual drive and to reduce masturbation. ARE YOU KIDDING ME????? Dude, you masturbate in spite of him. Masturbating is not bad for you. It's actually probably the safest thing you could do, having sex with yourself.
---A man will ejaculate approximately 18 quarts of semen, containing half a trillion sperm, in his lifetime. DAAaaaaaAAAAYYYMMMMM! Woohoo sex ed!
---In ancient Greece and Rome dildos were carved out of everything they could get their hands on from wood, glass, leather, gold, silver and even animal horns. OUCH! I'm sorry but I wouldn't want to put an animal horn in my vagina. And I don't think anyone else would either... Comments?
Pace ed amore,
P.S.-- Has anybody else noticed all the little kids running around and going into the dorms? Apparently it's Peace Day? Shouldn't everyday be Peace Day?
Exit, Pursued By A Bear

As you may or may not know, the plot goes more or less like this: Leontes, King of Sicilia, accuses his pregnant wife Hermione of committing adultery with Polixenes, King of Bohemia (and Leontes' childhood friend). The events develop dramatically and we end up sixteen years later in Bohemia, where Leontes' lost daughter lives and has fallen in love. I won't say more, and let you guys find out, but let me tell you that it's definitely worth it. The set, the music and the lights set the perfect mood for such an inspiring play.
Look out for the bear!
Poll Results!
72% - YAY
18% - NAY
It should be noted this is the first time we've had a "YAY" over 70%!
Long Time No See... And STRESS!

My apologies for not posting on Blog9 for a very VERY long time! I have had a lot going on family-wise as well as academically.
But now I'm back!
I am glad to announce to you that....
In Jewett, there are people, yes people not a person staying up till 7 in the morning these days, writing papers to see the sunrise. Life during study week sucks huh? I finished 2 papers and still have 4 more and 3 exams to study for - great. Founder's Day was awesome but it really didn't help with the workload I have.
But I am real excited about this weekend. There's so many parties in various dorms tonight as well the the FARM RAVE! so excited! and it's going to go on till 6am?!? HOLY MOTHER OF COW!
I know how stressed out many of you guys are, I for one certainly am with 6 units of classes and A FREAKING CONCERT IN NYC on Monday arggggg! but take a break, go dance it out at the farm rave.
You know you need it!
ohmigod I want to go home.
My fan is blowing cigarette smoke directly into my face because of the people sitting on the steps of Joss polluting the airspace.
Cigarette smoke gives me migraines.
I HATE SMOKERS SO MUCH. Blacken your own lungs all you want, but leave me out of it. I seriously don't get why people our age smoke. We all know the MANY health risks perfectly well, and I can't be the only person with multiple relatives having suffered lung cancer. Seriously, is it worth it to look "cool" (which, for the record, you don't) or be skinny?
A New Voice
I’m your new Cush correspondent, because Blog9 has clearly been lacking its very own bit of aimless, gelatinous marine life. Also, our delightful beligxoxo needs someone to help report the wild doings of the Cushlings.
Speaking of which, some glorious individual has been hooking his Nintendo up to the giant flatscreen in the common room and thus I have rediscovered my unparalleled Mario Kart skills. I’d like to thank my Mario Kart angel and suggest that he might also leave blueberry muffins down there next time.
until next time, I’m yours,
I've Been Lightly Drinking, and a Little Heavy on the Thinking

My favorite tracks on Hello...X are Hello, Echo, Handshake, and In Bloom. The title track especially is ridiculously awesome.
Meeting of the Minds
We are in a Blog9 meeting......at this very moment. Trying to think of ideas for next year.
God damn sucksuckyfuckfucky!
Well, instead, let's talk about sex! That's never god damn sucksuckyfuckfucky, except for in a good suckfuck. Actually, that's not true. There is some really suckyfucky. Ok, I think I'm done now....
---The first condoms in the US were made from vulcanized rubber in the 1870s. They were expensive and annoyingly thick and meant to be reused. ok so...1) OUCH 2) EWW! 3) Well, I guess they're kind of like diaphragms...
---In Texas it is illegal to sell a vibrator as anything other than a ‘novelty’. ??? Would they sell vibrators as something weird??? Like.... in replacement of wooden spoons for cooking??? Huh?
------Only 17% of women are likely to have an orgasm during sex. Sad but true.... They are more like to orgasm if they "do it themselves" or have a sex toy.... So attention all sex partners: Don't have a hissyfit if your girlfriend wants to bring a toy into the bedroom. It will make her happy, which should end up making you happy.
---The left testicle usually hangs lower than the right for right-handed men. The opposite is true for lefties. Does anyone wanna confirm this fact???
---According to a survey of sex shop owners, cherry is the most popular flavor of edible underwear. Really? I prefer.... just kidding. No but really, some people I know HATE cherry. It reminds them of medicine. Medicine and vagina usually doesn't lead you to assume there's a "party" going on in her pants, if you know what I mean...
Pace ed amore,
That's nice.
Thank you, all of you.
p.s. There was an EMS van outside of my dorm a little while ago (it's 1:40 as I write this). Seriously, guys? It's freaking Tuesday. I know it's the last day of classes, but why don't you celebrate by NOT drinking yourself into a comatose stupor? Everything in moderation...
Believe It or Not

p.s. It may have been a rabbit.
Oy Vey
Christmas... In May??
I just heard "O Christmas Tree" and "Joy to the World" being played, followed up by "La Cucharacha."
Anyone else hear anything quirky??
world news? no.
"BARE" With Me
It should also be noted that this may not be the end of "BARE" media - several extremely reliable sources have said that the cast may in fact be heading into the recording studio. I know I have my fingers crossed!
UPDATE: The Bare cast WILL be recording a soundtrack, and giving it away in some manner! They can't sell it due to copyright issues.
"Twilight" Rising
Today the trailer was released. Check it out!
What We're Watching
Grey’s Anatomy S04E13 Sneak Peek
Kurt Browning 2000 Ice Wars – Rag-GIDON-Time
kitty cat
Seven-year-old Goes For Drive
Nelly – Ride Wit Me
Dyamond Phillips
Lil Wayne-Lollipop
A*Teens - Floorfiller
Bare: A Pop Opera - "Bare"
Religion ala Eddie Izzard
SuperNews! – Gates vs. Jobs
David Choe
2009 A True Story – Episode 1_85 Days Remaining
Mad TV – Can I Have Your Number
white chocolate
ElCarrà .
Everybody must get buzzed.
Pop Bottles
Only two days of classes left!
<333 SGPG
Fantastic Weekend
And then FOUNDER'S DAY, which absolutely lived up to what everyone told me about it. I was just in such a happy place all day, and so was everyone else I was with... and despite the fact that it was "the longest day ever" (I am agreeing with Mads on this one), and I'm still confused as to how we packed in so much activity into one day, it was absolutely lovely.
And those fireworks! They were GORGEOUS! From my vantage point, it was like they were falling on my head. It was stunning; I didn't want it to end.
13 days until home.
love and hungover Sundays
Just Remember to Breathe
In the meantime I am going to continue on blindly in my Vassar-d bliss and send out a kudos to Vice for an awesome Afterhours show last week, Meiko and co wove a magnificent acoustic blanket for my friday night and I really appreciated that end of week break.
So here we go, lets just all remember to breathe, and everything should be ok.
Let me rephrase that.
I'm going to miss my friends at Vassar.
Last night, me and my friends played DDR, went to the Limit show (which was EXCELLENT), checked out the Mug, and then spontaneously decided to go to the farm at 1:30 in the morning. At the point that we finally reached the farm we suddenly realized that we should've gone in the other direction, as we were mildly hungry. So we hiked across campus to the Acrop. We were there until 3:00.
I did not get to sleep till 4, and was woken up by none other than Main building herself at 9:00 a.m.
But I don't regret it. Here's why: I LOVE my friends. They're a wildly eclectic group of people, and they're all fabulous. It makes me want to cry sometimes thinking about how great they are, and thinking about how I shall fill the void made by their absence over the summer. Facebook and AIM still exists, but it's not the same. The void can't be filled. At least one of them will be a short drive away from where I live, but the others live several hours away from me.
SO if you're reading this right now, take some time to let your friends know how much you love them. Especially those who you won't be seeing over the summer.
Oh, and
Good luck with the end of classes, and have a very happy founder’s day!
eugenics and room draw
Missed Season
Then came Vassar...
What happened was I became a busy mess and found very little to no time for AI. I was once the addict calling in the second the lines opened (and successfully getting through) but now...
I have only seen the auditions. As much as I'd love to cheer and vote, I've just no time.
Same for all my other major shows:
House, Degrassi, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, New Amsterdam, South of Nowhere...
I know I can watch them online, but I don't even have time for that. Even my posting here has been slacking.
At least I know everything will pay off in the end... even if I do miss 4 seasons of AI *heartache*
Is/has anyone else faced what I'm facing?
Luvs and hugs,
Dyamond Phillips

It's Coming
If I've learned one thing about HSM, it's that you either love it or you hate it. As for me? I LOVE it. Sure, it can be corny and that sugary-sweetness that is Disney, but I like taking refuge from the evils of the world in a quality Disney movie every once in a while. Oh, and Zac Efron is HOTTTT.
Anyway, the poster was released today - check it out!

Trials of Room Draw
During the Nuremberg trials, after the fall of the Nazi regime, many officers of the Nazi army were pressed to explain just why and for that matter how they were able to commit such atrocities. Where they brainwashed? Did they enjoy it? Many broke down and proclaimed that no one knows what kind of person they will become until put under such extreme circumstances. Many survivor say the same, a good man becomes a murderer while a shrewd man saves lives. We’re far from Nazi Germany and no one is being burned alive but today I witnessed first hand how human nature can change.
Far stretched metaphor? Not really for Main room draw… Personally my friends and I had a set plan for the last week. We scoped out the rooms, called dibs, and worked out the numbering for where we would go. We decided to stick together next year as we had done this year. By 7:10 we saw the rooms left after the seniors and juniors drew, and panic ensued. Suddenly, over the next hour, friends began gossiping, plotting their own rooms for their own selfish desires. I watched roommates abandon others far down on the list for singles. I saw others tell someone to their face they would pull them in and then leave with someone else or no one at all. Girls cried. Each time another room was crossed out another person revamped their plan to suit their needs.
Never before have I felt so abandoned as my friend came back to say she picked a room far away from our original plan. Now what? Where the fuck do I go when we’ve all scattered? I guess I fail the test of humanity because I took on of the largest singles I could. There was nothing left for me to do, our group had scattered and that was that. Am I bitter? A little… Maybe two floors and the length of Main will give us enough space and we’ll stay close, maybe not. All I can say is next year will be different. I’m just ready for summer and a break from Vassar’s occasionally excessive drama.
Yours Truly, contrASt