Sasha (literary editor and head of the org)
SPRiNKLES's Take: DAYMN this late in the school year? A bit of a risky move, if you ask me.... I know I'll be picking up my copy, though - I loves me Squirm! Go get some sexiness, too! |
SPRiNKLES's Take: DAYMN this late in the school year? A bit of a risky move, if you ask me.... I know I'll be picking up my copy, though - I loves me Squirm! Go get some sexiness, too! |
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why risky?
Because of the finals people have, and how busy they are packing and such, they might not have time to pick up a copy, leaving them with a ton of copies left over to distribute at the beginning of next year.
oh, ok. but i don't think "risky" is the appropriate word
I think he was trying to be "punny."
i think you're giving him too much credit
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