

More Lathrop pest control trucks and a pervasive cheese and/or garbage smell near the Retreat entrance of the College Center?


Anonymous said...

the stench is from the smashed fruits of the ginkgo tree between main and mudd chemistry. apparently the idiot who decided to plant the tree there years ago didn't look into the gender of the tree -- the female trees drop those horrible and easily smashed nuts which stink to high heaven.

how someone decided to stick the foulest smelling tree on campus in one of its most high-traffic areas? epic, epic, putrid fail!

Marissa Gauthier said...

and then it gets all over the bottom of my shoes and they're sticky and smelly all day....

Mat Leonard said...

unfortunately you can't tell the gender of ginkgo until it matures...but that still doesn't explain why they put in there. I mean, even if there was a 50% chance of it being stinky, don't put it up there.


bb said...

there is SO much going on on this campus lately, and this is what you are blogging about? a smell?
what about your opinions on the crew team cuts? the mug closing? staff petitions? ANYTHING?
c'mon. this blog is severely sucking.

Anonymous said...

To echo what some other commentors have said about this blog being hard to follow/irrelevant (and this is my first and will be my only post here) … you can only go so far with the whole “self absorbed spoiled ADHD kids trying to be edgey” angle. I want to say this blog is like the digital equivalent of graffiti, but honestly I like some of the originality and art graffiti taggers make, whereas this blog is just devoid of same. I’d put this blog in the category of “critic culture” and the “debunker” bandwagon. It is based on the notion that there are lots of “crazies” out there and we are the sane people making glib comments on the “what will they do next” world out there, collectively shaking our heads. But, in reality, there are not legions of crazies out there, most people are mundane, reactionary, and defensive. This blog is kind of looking for hobgoblins and unicorns behind every tree – most of the “wild” stuff featured is really a bit of a stretch as far as being “out there” or even worthy of note. Reposting other people’s work in the form of clips or excerpts is lame, as anything can be taken out of context and giggled at, but in the end you just come off like some sort of autistic who is pointing and wincing at some ordinary thing that seems slightly out of place to YOUR idiosyncratic sensibilities. We can sum up the tone of this blog as contrived, passive aggressive, and reeking of the stereotypical demographic niche of its no doubt well meaning contributors. The most interesting part of this blog is the comments sections where commentors yell at one another, that should tell you something. You come off as people who don’t stand for anything yet are trying to act as if you know everything. Consider that maybe no one cares about you not caring that no one cares what you think? This blog is just static or pollution really. A lot of people fear that there will be a crackdown or censorship of the internet by the powers that be. Well, as long as 99% of private published content is stuff like this, I think we are very safe from that happening. This type of stuff plays right into the hands of the status quo. Congratulations, just by sucking as much as you do, you make slick coprorate content appear far more desirable to the average person. I think the contributors seem to have religious-ized the process to some extent too. They seem to imagine that just by grinding out the next post they are “doing good work,” expressing themselves, or some other laudible thing above and beyond the reality, which is that they are posting content that is uncompelling. I found it funny that someone mentioned “I know you guys must be busy with mid-terms but …” Sorry, but mid-terms are the least of your problems.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous: u mad

Anonymous said...

yea this blog is lame. we should throw eggs at nick dressler's room for this monstrosity he calls a blog