

I feel like I'm drowning in work. For the past few weeks I've noticed that I frequently run into the following problem: when organizing when to do work (before, between or after classes, choir rehearsal, lessons or meetings) I find that there isn't enough time.... I always hope for the best, that somehow I'll get done more work than expected, but it's always the other way around. I feel like I'm working so hard, that when I take breaks (infrequent though they may be) I feel guilty that I should still be working. I know it's partially my fault because I choose my own classes and activities, and I keep my standard of work high. I feel like if I don't push myself this way, I don't learn anything and begin to completely neglect a course altogether.

Ugh.... I just need to get through the next two weeks and all my major stuff will be done.

Good luck with your own stuff, everybody,

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