No joke. Not Photoshopped (I'm not that good at Photoshop). They taste the same. Irma in the Retreat didn't know what was up, she just called them "pretty."
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Are they supposed to be carrots? If so, wow.
Maybe they are baby corn?
they were organic baby yellow carrots, and they tasted the same
i tried one and it was delicious! (even though it tasted the same as regular carrots)
i worked at a farm for a summer and let me tell you there are some crazy looking vegetables out there. theyre basically the same, just not the variety that became popular in grocery stores. like heirloom tomatoes for example, that look different and taste a teensy bit different but are all basically tomatoes. and delicious.
i ate in the retreat today and ive been throwing up ever since. ew. fuck the retreat.
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