i mean mostly. like i believe in equal marriage rights for gays, but i believe in the death penalty. i watched 'dead man walking' monday night and i was not disturbed that he was killed. he raped and killed 2 people; he got what he freaking deserved. some people are uncomfortable with the execution/injection scene. i wasn't. the point of that is to make it look like he wasn't in pain and the way he destroyed those kids' and their loved ones' lives made me wish i could see his pain.
i also don't believe that the rich need to give to the poor. some people have worked hard for their money and they shouldnt need to flood it back to the government to help people on welfare. some of those people don't deserve to be on it.
government is the problem, not the answer. they need to get the hell out of our lives.
call me sadistic. call me cruel. but i'm voting for mccain in the election.
it's cool you're conservative, but this post was incredibly combative and uneccessarily so.
if you want people to respect your political views, be proud but not off-putting.
I completely agree with 11:40 AM. You're probably a rich white girl who doesn't understand and know the struggle that average working people go through, and yes, while some don't deserved to be on it, other people are working really hard and barely surviving. Your post disgusts me and I hope to never meet you in person. I will no longer be reading what you write.
mccain calls for a hundred more years of the war in iraq if necessary. i hope you're ready to go and fight then!
i really wish there wasnt such an emphasis on political view on this campus. i feel like your political view is your business. i think its cool that you came out and said stuff about your political view since it's the minority view, but 12:37 and 1:09, are just being ridiculous. so what she's conservative. oh well, that doesnt mean that she's a bad person or that you should never want to meet her in person. there are definitely more conservatives here than youd think, they're just too scared to come out and say it. so probably one of your friends is a conservative and you dont even know it. open your mind a little and you'll see that political view doens't make or break a person.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with you being conservative. A different point of view is always welcomed, especially at Vassar, where it seldom occurs, at least to me. BUT, when one has different opinions, one should present them and back them up. I'm pretty sure you have reasons to believe what you do, but I agree with 11:40 am, there are ways to present your political views in a more pragmatic, reasonable and sensible way. Now you know for next time...
11:40-i'm sorry i came off as combative and off-putting. i was just in a heated debate before writing this post and i just vented through blog9. i'm not sure if it was the appropriate atmosphere, but i just needed to get it out.
12:37-i hope i never meet you in person either. go on and be another arrogant liberal. i'm happy someone like you won't be reading what you right because i don't care what you think about me. i may be a rich white girl, but at least i'm accepting of other people's opinions.
1:09-i'd be glad to go out and fight for my country and to combat terrorism and holding people down. it would be extremely hard and challenging, but anything worthwhile is like that.
(i don't know how to sign it not anoymously because i'm bad at blogging)
cruel hardly, the correct words are an imbecile and infantile. you have the logic of a ten-year old. and don't worry - with your intelligence you will not be rich for too long. so if i were you i will be ruling for that welfare check
amen 1:09.
if you want to keep fighting, i hope you're willing to make a contribution..
Seriously? You call yourself vivalawhitegirl and you're expecting people to take your political posts seriously? With a name and politics like that, people are going to assume you're racist at worse, and completely ignorant at best - and you're not giving them any reason to think otherwise.
i am conservative too and to 1:09pm -- so are you ready to pull out? you think the answer to no more war is to pull out? well thenn .. maybe you should start getting ready to fight. and maybe this time it wont be on foreign soil
I LOVE YOU! im a conservative too and its nice to finally hear someone make some sense. other comments here show how ignorant and closed minded people who claim not to be really are. want to know how to annoy a liberal? work hard AND make money.
to 12:37 am, actually most conservatives are from middle class families. i am a conservative too and from a middle class working family. if i work for my money i think i should be able to keep it and not give it away to someone who may or may not have worked for it. It should be up to the individual if they want to give their money away and help others. Think about this, "A government that is big enough to give you everything you want is powerful enough to take away everything you need."- Ronald Reagan
if we have to have a republican, mccain is halfway decent. he is a war hero, after all.
yeh i am so glad you came out. i complete agree with you. we should also reinstate slavery and kill more native americans. manifest destiny!
on a serious note.... who admitted this racist in our school??? your post sounds like borat at best.
Hey guys,
I think each side is going a little overboard. Look, I'm a liberal, but I understand and respect vivalawhitegirl's views, even if I don't agree in some aspects. Personally, although I don't think that you should give up something you worked hard for, I do believe that it's unfair that some people have insane amounts of money (that they didn't earn for themselves) while others are struggling to get a job. Just as there are poor people who do and don't work hard to get out of poverty.
What I'm trying to say is that no one has the right to judge anyone else. Even less in such an "open" community as Vassar. Let the other half be. Now, if you want to make your views known (which I personally love doing), make sure you do it in a polite way and be prepared to put yourself in the other person's shoes.
This is the main reason why people, societies and countries don't get along: they do not listen, or even try to understand each other. What's the point in debating if you're not willing to learn something from it?
Hope you keep it in mind.
here's an interesting statistic that popped up on my recent macroeconomics quiz: the bush tax cuts are expected to return about $2.6 trillion back to american tax payers in the form of tax rebates. 33% of that $2.6 trill will go to the top 1% of income earners as rebates, while a mere 1% will go back to the bottom 20% of earners. how's that for "working hard for your money?"
keep voting republican, and take heart in the fact that your rich parents will be getting a hefty tax cut each year while the poor continue to get poorer.
okay vivalawhitegirl is not a racist thing. it's a drug reference. viva la white, girl. so get your facts straight before you call me a racist.
i'm always surprised by how critical and one-sided people can be when it comes to politics. or maybe it's just how little reception there is to the opposite view. it's a lot easier to use clever cutting rhetoric to tear someone down instead of actually listening to a person who disagrees with you, and asking them why - trying to put yourself in their shoes. it's a lot easier to resort to personal attacks and assert your way is better without thinking about the other side. but it's not necessarily the best way to have a fruitful discussion..
i think it's really a shame that on a campus like vassar, where everyone's politically correct and afraid of offending the disabled, the minority, and so on, it's possible for someone to make a vitriolic attack on a girl who calls herself conservative, and have people agree. being liberal shouldn't mean being 'anti-conservative', but rather being broad-minded, tolerant, and open to rational discussion of issues. it's no good calling a conservative closed minded if you show the same ideological stubbornness when you open your mouth.
vivalawhitegirl has shown remarkable maturity in responding to the comments made here.. just scrolling down the list of comments, you can see she’s refrained from rudeness after being called combative, disgusting, infantile, and racist, all while being doused with sarcasm and contempt. she was really brave to tell the world that she was basically radically different from most students at vassar. and seeing the criticism this one blog post has drawn, it's hardly surprising that most conservatives are too scared to exit the closet in real life. i just hope those who do so have a better reception than the one we’ve seen here..
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