Anyway, this is a post for blatant self-promotion. Then again, it is pretty exciting stuff, I wouldn't promote something BORING. Duh.
So, between July and August I plan, with three other friends, to drive from Milan, Italy, to Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia. Yes, and we're driving in that thing you see up there. Interesting, huh? The 'Mongol Rally' is organized by a company called 'The Adventurists', who, according to them, want to make the world an exciting place because 'the world is a little too safe'. So the rally was created in 2004, with one basic rule. You must use a car with an engine of 1 litre or less. That's a small car. But that's it, you're on your own, you create your own route AND you need to donate at least £1000 (a little more then $2000) to charities based in Mongolia. Past participants have been arrested, deported, their car has broken down (they recommend buying a camel in that case), etc. I was so scared when I told my mom about my plans...instead she went "That's so coool!"...weird. My team is called 'Rainbow Rabbis'...don't ask, haha. And we are leaving from Milan on July 19th. BUT, we need all the help we can get, we need to buy the car, and pay for many other expenses (and donate to the amazing charities!!!), so I would love for you to go to http://www.rainbowrabbis.com/, see if you like us, and comment, or send us an email, or refer us to someone who would be excited to sponsor us, or donate yourself!! (donations can be as little as $1.20!!!).
Anyway, if you have further questions (like why the f*** are you doing this???), feel free to comment or email at http://www.rainbowrabbis.com/!
that's really cool!!
dude, you are really cool. and tghe care is cute, keep it green, Rabbi.
that sounds too cool.
omg i luv u
um, you're basically the only reason why this blog is at all interesting...
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