
Already Bored With Break

Travelling sucks balls. I won't bore you with my story, but I wasted a ton of money and was delayed nearly 48 hours total. My shenanigans involved illegally staying in Noyes an extra night with a friend I was lucky to know was there. DAMN ALL BUSES.

I'm eating chocolate at 12:30 in the morn. I'm not PMSing or anything, it's just what I do when I'm home. I am constantly bored here so I get fat. crap. I'm just a fat bored monster. ha, I kid. Does anyone else think we have too much freaking vacation time?

I hope all your breaks are going at least relaxedly, if not kick-ass Chuck Norris style. I'm hoping to go to "10,000 B.C." to see some amazing laughable action with my friends and make fun of it the whole way through. It's obnoxious, but such is youth's way, alas. So bug off, media consumers. I'm a hip young counter-culture Vassar righteous vegan organic hemp-sexxing junior revolutionary and I don't shave my legs.

I love Vassar, though. And I do take the afore-described stereotypical hippie Vassarite seriously.


Anonymous said...

OMGGGGGGG HI BABY! I was that friend. I know your secret identity now. Yessssss. And you are not anywhere close to being fat. In fact, you're effing skinny. Love ya =)

Anonymous said...

Haha I agree with 1:01 :)

Anonymous said...

ewww, i definitely don't think our breaks are too long! i hate being surrounded by all of the rich snobby kids at Vassar. I need all of the normality of real life for as long as possible!!!

Anonymous said...

christ, maybe you're at the wrong school, then.
i love normal middle class life and all, but i still love my school

Anonymous said...

Rich? Maybe. Snobby? No. I sometimes dislike not having the same amount of pocket cash that my friends do, but really if you have friends then the fun is being with them, not spending money, and money really shouldn't come up in conversation.

Perhaps you should look into switching out, or even learning about finance management if that's actually your problem.

Good luck with this.