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What should be ditched?
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We want your opinions!
We're planning a "refresh" after Spring Break and we need your help!
When leaving your opinions, please refer to the "Disclaimer" (in the sidebar) as your guide. For example, asking for more juicy gossip is contrary to the purpose of this blog.
Also, if you're interested in joining our team, shoot an e-mail to lifeinthe9@gmail.com. We'll get you hooked up.
~The Blog9 Team
What do you want to see on Blog9?
What can be improved?
What should be ditched?
What do you like about Blog9?
What do you dislike?
We want your opinions!
We're planning a "refresh" after Spring Break and we need your help!
When leaving your opinions, please refer to the "Disclaimer" (in the sidebar) as your guide. For example, asking for more juicy gossip is contrary to the purpose of this blog.
Also, if you're interested in joining our team, shoot an e-mail to lifeinthe9@gmail.com. We'll get you hooked up.
~The Blog9 Team
it seems like a lot of your correspondents never post anymore, or they do not tag their codenames in their posts.
I WANT more photos of vassar "celebs". such as the members of vassar improv, dormitory house presidents, musicians, or maybez just hot chicks
more info about the misc, its writers, its cover, more discussion of the content/opinions inside
gimme some hot mess and tay tay!
yeah i mean it might be cool for you guys to put up pictures of the so called 'vassar hotties' or 'vassar celebs', as 11:55pm said
less writting...more photos
YAY to hot photos.
Are any of the Blog9 bloggers NOT happy at Vassar? I assume all of you are having the time of your life here (hence why you decided it would be fun to blog about it), especially since every time I read Blog9, there seems to be another post about friendship or campus-wide dance parties. While that's great and all, I wouldn't mind seeing a little more diversity of opinions about social life here at Vassar. I want to hear your awkward stories. I want to hear what you don't like about Vassar.
when i go to a blog, i dont want to sit here and read essays. some bloggers write these entries that are so long, and i would much rather see pictures with captions of people or interesting events or short little entries instead of novels*
*one of the many reasons why this blog cannot compare to mads.
11:55, 1:09, 1:26, and 9:14...aren't these things madsvassar already does? why not just read mads for those things, and enjoy blog9 for what it does differently.
this was in no way a stab at blog9. stay true to yourself! stay original.
i have never seen a picture of a vassar improv member on madsvassar.
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