The drive to Cedar City... go north on the 15, take a million pictures in the Virgin River Gorge, follow a badass old lady driving like she's in the Indy 500 (for real, you should have seen her going wild in her Buick)...
Seriously, isn't it BEAUTIFUL?
And for a little ocean beauty...
Go south on the 15, realize that the directions you printed off the Internet don't match the road signs, get to San Diego successfully and then get hopelessly lost on the way to La Jolla Shores...
Drool over the multi-million-dollar beach houses...
Eat a SHIT-TON of REAL Mexican food... (my darling East Coast children, there is no Mexican food on your side of the country, only a pale imitation)
Bask in the glory of the Best Coast.
xx and I wish I had a million dollars to spend on a beach mansion
If Taco Bell isn't Mexican food, then they've got their own thing going for them. Maybe they should found their own country or something. Or take over Cyprus or something.
Man it looks like your break was a lot of fun, or at least relaxing. I've been stressing myself out these two weeks with the homework I've been doing. I can never just let myself chill.
I live in an area of the east coast with a pretty large population of Mexican yeah, I know real Mexican food.
Regardless, the west coast looks beautiful. I'm jealous.
actually, East Harlem has a lot of Hispanic immigrants, Mexican, El Salvadorian, Dominican, etc., and I have sampled some of everything authentic. The East Coast still reigns supreme!
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