Two police cars and a VC security vehicle were spotted outside Lathrop at approximately 1:45 p.m. today.
Update: Rumored low-down here.
We're here to provide opinionated viewpoints on campus and world events that affect our lives. We're here to make a difference: to give you the inside scoop with a little helping of opinion on the side, and we hope you'll join in on the discussion. Most importantly, we're here to have fun.
Blog9 reserves the right to remove comments which contain false information, are inappropriate or irrelevant to the given post, or are otherwise objectionable.
Posts by individual correspondents contain their sole opinions and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of other correpondents or the Blog9 team as a whole.
This blog is an independent publication and is not affiliated with Vassar College or any of its wonderful student groups.
this post proves that this blog just plain sucks. keep it coming
im confused about the negativity here.......
they're just trying to inform you what's up on campus.....
mads has simply remarked on emergency vehicles "speeding" towards certain buildings in the past.... how's this any diff??
... because Mads came first.
the "diff" is that Mads is TONNNNNNS better
oh lathrop. in all your trashiness we love you!
2:45 PM, my friends, is what is known in the internet biz as a "troll".
i find it interesting that people always compare us to mads. we have made it clear that we are NOT tying to be mads at all. and i think that this post proves that- we want to work in conjunction with mads. this silly rivalry biz has got to stop. if we wanted to compete why would we put a link to their page?? obv we want to be able to use mads a a resource and hopefully, they will feel that they can be the same.
in terms of those who claim that "this blog sucks," either stop reading and leaving pointless negative comments or give us some ideas. what would you like to see here 2:45? bc right now it seems as tho all those who are negative have nothing constructive to say.
what i find most interesting is that these negative people are still coming to read.
so i really don't mind their comments; it still gets us hits!!!
thanks, 2:45!!!
my main issue with this blog is that honestly between 20 people do you think you could have some more updates and something a little more interesting to say?
Your concern is heard!
We launched just about 2 weeks ago with really little-to-no structure about what kind of image we wanted to project.
As such, as a group a huge variety of posts were made about a huge variety of subjects.
We're not here to inform about things going on on Vassar campus, we're here to inform about things going on on Vassar campus, as well as the world, to us as individuals. We feel that Mads has done a fantastic job in informing the campus about the goings-on, and we wanted to show the goings-on in a new light, so to speak. In a more personal light.
We've received both positive and negative commments, but the overall response we've gotten is that people are interested in this blog's potential.
Over the course of the next week, Blog9 will be having discussions about the future of the blog. We've decided not to make any major format changes until after break. We'll be having a "refresh" of sorts.
To address your suggestion, directly, our current format is that each house has a "day" to post. As in, everyone involved can post on any day, but that they must post on their "day." That's resulted in about 3-4 posts a day.
Our main aim is to make reading this blog a fun diversion from anything else you might have going on in your life, and boredom doesn't factor into that aim at all.
If you have any direct suggestions, we ask that you post them in our newest post, which you can find here.
Also, if you'd like to spice up our lives and join our team, feel free to shoot an e-mail to lifeinthe9@gmail.com. We're always looking for new and exciting correspondents to join us!
Thank you for your readership!
~The Blog9 Team
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