Two more things we can glean from the posters are that tickets go on sale for Vassar students TUESDAY, at ONLY $14 with ID, and there are special guestS. (plural!) Does this mean there will be several acts? Perhaps a group? We'll keep you updated!
the only possible way i'd be going to this is if it was free, and even then I probably wouldn't based on that video of her music in the post before. i really wish they'd bring a couple big name bands i heard there's a paramore/jimmy eat world tour going on, why can't we get them?
oh well, thanks for the update anyway.
m.i.a is big and jimmy eat world!? seriously?
m.i.a. appeals to a wide variety of people and will be much better received than paramore or jimmy eat world. this is partially due to the fact that vassar is crawling with hipsters, but it is also partially due to the fact that paramore and jimmy eat world both, well, suck.
one of the worst things in the world is when people tell other people that the music they like sucks.
i mean, personally music is my life; i don't go anywhere without my iPod.... and when someone tells me that the music that i've been listening to for the past month sucks, i get angry because it's been my personal soundtrack....
so yea, music other people listen to might suck, but that's an opinion... i just feel when people make that opinion known, it's overly negative
I still have no clue what a "hipster" is..... I don't think we had any at my high school...
Then again.... if we did I wouldn't have known it.....
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