

This spring break was not at all what I expected it to be. To start off, I'd like to laugh at how funny it is that I subconsciously thought that a lot of my college friends would partake in that stereotypical "sPrinG brAke '08 lolzz!!1!" in Florida. It's hilarious that no one I know did that at all.

I expected to get some homework done, quietly celebrate my birthday, play lots of Brawl, and see my friends during the one day overlap of our breaks. (All but the first was actually accomplished). I can't say I completely enjoyed the break but I certainly had some surprising realizations.

Two of my friends who were home took me to lunch the first friday of break, and I realized how much they value my friendship through small actions and delicately but lovingly chosen words. Then when I met with my other friends I recognized that the fear that had grown inside me a year ago, that of losing my friends to college separation, was not realized. My closest friends are intact, I still love them, and they still love me. During the trip up to school I realized how much I had missed seeing my new friends, and upon returning from during felt their love.

Love you guys, old and new (Vassarites!)


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