
Mads Freezes Comments

For those of you who are dedicated Mads readers, you've probably already seen it, but:

"We've been inundated with spam in the last few hours and we need to freeze commenting for the time being. Thanks for your patience and your comments will be published soon.

Wednesday 8PM"

No doubt this is in response to what is possibly the most controversial comment war in the history of the blog. Oddly enough, it stemmed from the accident in the library. Mads posted a little more info about it than some people liked, and now finds itself amidst a battle between Mads lovers and haters. Among the various topics touched upon in the comments is the question as to whether Mads should be considered a gossip site or a news site.

I personally like to think of it as an inside scoop as to what's going on around campus, gossip or otherwise.

That said, Mads, I feel your pain!
We had a bit of a snafu when we first started over a similar incident.

My advice to Mads: keep on trucking!
If 200,000 hits doesn't validate a blog, I dunno what does....
(40,000 maybe??)


Anonymous said...

Don't give us Mads news. Be original and report on events, not other blogs that you ripped off.

Anonymous said...

The reason I posted this was because I thought it drew an interesting parallel between two campus blogs.

And seeing as how Mads is a good source for info as to goings-on around campus, I don't see why we can't comment on things Mads posts about.


Anonymous said...

what the hell is with all the hostility toward bloggers and what they should and should not write? it's THEIR blog and they don't need to answer to anyone about what they want to discuss.

if you don't like what they write, fuck off and read some other blog. no one's forcing you to read this one (or mads).