

Some of you may have already read about the recent incest case in Austria, but for those of you who haven't, here's the link for the article:


I am shocked that this has happened. How can a father go through with something like this? To completely ruin his daughter's life (not to mention the lives of all her children and his wife) in such an appalling way? Can anyone reading this article even fathom the idea of locking up an 18-year-old girl for 24 YEARS and having 7 children with her? Because I can't. It makes every part of me ache, honestly.

To me, this case reveals a glimmer of the extent to which a human psyche can become fucked up. And who's to say that there aren't other cases like this out there (and even worse, perhaps, though it's hard to imagine having it any worse)?

Thank God we as humans have societal standards, and a means to punish these perverts.



Anonymous said...

wow. this story is so fucked up. i cannot even fathom this! i feel terrible for the wife and the kids they raised who didnt know! (and obviously for the captives) what would possess someone to do this?!

Anonymous said...

yeah, tis fucked up. was fucked up 3 weeks ago when the news broke. Doesn't anyone read the news here? It seems not.

Anonymous said...

oh stop with your snarky attitude 10:10.

Anonymous said...

This is really terrible, that people can do this kind of thing to other people. I hope he's put in solitary confinement.

Anonymous said...

sooooooooooooo creepy