
A Collective Response

Reading the responses to the last post reminded me of just how polarizing and dehumanizing political beliefs can be. We seem to all too quickly abandon any rational faith in people to ensure that our own ‘beliefs’ are not infringed upon. I think it explains why so little significant change ever comes from politics. The forfeiting of trust in the humanity of an individual for the sake of dogmatic political adherence divides you not just from the individual you disagree with, but from all others who may not share your human experience.

The words ‘imbecile’ and ‘infantile’ were used to describe the views of this blogger. I feel they managed to also capture perfectly the insults, personal attacks, and closeting of those who responded to vlwg's post. To react to another’s political beliefs with the conviction that they “hope to never meet” the individual who wrote that post in person confirmed to me not only the overwhelming political immaturity on this campus [and off] but the narrow-minded, equally confrontational and dogmatic outlook of whoever wrote that response. Likewise, the words imbecile and infantile captured perfectly those who not only pigeon-holed both themselves and the assumed political and social beliefs of people written off as middle or upper class, but even more so those who so quickly jumped to accusations of racism based on conclusions based on assumption rather than fact.

It is disappointing to read a ‘debate’ over the political beliefs of an individual that so quickly dissolves to not an attempt to understand another, but to quickly dismiss, discredit, and disrespect the value of that person. For young people granted with the most powerful vote in the entire world, I truly hope you all eventually move beyond the polarizing comfort of anonymity provided by your polarized political system and take the uncomfortable step beyond combatant rejection. Because this right now is little more than a shoving match.

I am not defending vivalawhitegirl's beliefs. I am not discrediting the beliefs of those who were obviously offended by vlwg's post. I am appealing to both sides to question what they believe in, why they believe it, and to question what they really know about their country’s impact on this world. Iraq is the last thing you need to be worrying about. It is this conflict at home that will be the preventer of peace.


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