
So... Um... How's Laos?

I have too many thoughts going through my head. But I thought I would just share a little vignette and some provoking questions. Excited? You should be.

My friend asked me the today what was new in my life. I didn’t really have an answer, which was thoroughly depressing. The asker was one of my closest friends from home who is currently adventuring on her own through Southeast Asia for three months, with no program, travel companion, or knowledge of the languages. My papers and awkward interactions seem insignificant in comparison. So all I could say was “nothing really. How’s Laos?” I love college and am so happy here. But sometimes all it takes is someone braver, different, and more adventurous to make me doubt. It’s like my dilemma with study-abroad (yes, I am only a freshman and it’s a bit early but shhh). I feel like I should go somewhere adventurous and unknown to me, or at least somewhere where I can learn another language. But all I really want to do is go to Scotland and study next to castles. I feel guilty for not wanting to push myself. Maybe I’m just not as brave as her. Is that such a horrible thing? Can we all be grand adventurers? And if we can, should we?

She said Laos is great, in case any of you were wondering.

Incoherent (as always),

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you want to go someplace to learn something new about that place or the culture or even about yourself, then yes, it's a good thing, and you should do it. But if it's just because you want to avoid responsibility, then it's not the best decision. Also, I'm a little concerned for your friend: adventuring on your own in some faraway country with no guide and no program or anything like that and without knowing the language or anything can be dangerous. She could get kidnapped and no one would know she had disappeared, or she could be swindled by local merchants who are taking advantage of her, etc. Just saying.