
Thanks, Spitzy/The Man in Pink

Just dropping in to post before I head off on a road trip to Utah with my girlfriends. What more can a girl ask for than the open road, a minivan full of friends, and a state packed with Mormons? (Don't answer that.)

So now BOTH my "home states" are experiencing scandal. First the colonoscopy clinic that reused syringes and gave a bunch of people Hepatitis C in my real home state (seriously - how screwed up is that? It was all on the direction of the jackass in charge, who was already enormously wealthy but decided to risk his patients' lives by cutting corners even more). And now Elliot Spitzer resigns in the wake of a prostitution scandal. Seriously? SERIOUSLY? Who DOES that? A man in a high-profile public position, with a wife and three teenage daughters (can you imagine your father doing this?), how could he have been so selfish as to do such a despicable thing? Talk about hypocrisy. Sick.

And on a lighter note... I was taking ballet class at my old studio the night before last, and there was a man in my class wearing pink tights, a women's leotard, pink legwarmers, and pink shoes. I mean, I'm all for androgyny and gender-neutral life and whatnot, but who shoves themselves into that crap when they don't have to? Seriously, no sane female dancer wants to look at herself in pink tights. More power to Pink Tights Man, I guess.

xx and hope your hometown is as deliciously dysfunctional as mine

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