
Excitement Ensues

So, just like when GirlTalk came, I don't know who the hell M.I.A. is. I figure since it would be useless knowledge to me, I'd wiki this person


Sometimes I wish we would get people recognized by EVERYONE, whether they be a music artist or a speaker. I understand that that means more money out of Vassar's pockets, but if you can fund those of us with extra scholarship money if your family income is less than $60,000, I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to negotiate something, right?
Sure, there's room for argument, but it'd be nice if I could be hyped up about this person as much as the other half of the campus.

Break was fun. I spent too much money, but there are definitely no regrets. Maybe one day I'll get a job and repay myself and my parents :D
See you all at Vassar, though you won't see me!

Luvs and hugs,
Dyamond Phillips


Anonymous said...

I agree.

Anonymous said...

i thought everyone knew who mia was. and that wasn't scarcasm.

Anonymous said...

You are right on dude. I never heard of m.i.a. before hearing about this event, and after watching her youtube videos, i'm greatly underwhelmed. It's really surprising to me how many people are talking about this concert. Like you said, I really wish they'd bring someone here that everyone knows. Maybe Bon Jovi? Or Billy Joel?