
My Opinion, For What It's Worth

Greetings Readers,

Guess what Tuesday was. The 35th anniversary of Picasso’s death? Right, but it also happened to be my birthday. Exactly 19 years since the day I was born. Drink up and toast to life.

One of the questions I’ve heard most often, as with every birthday, is “how does it feel”. Typically, I reply “not much different.” After all, I’m not a years older than I was yesterday, just a day, a few hours. Its not as if I’ve crossed some invisible barrier into 19-hood. The year is man’s invention. Nevertheless, it got me to thinking. Here I am, another year older, and what have I accomplished. Sure, I’m in college, but what about my other aspirations. I’ve yet to go platinum. No screenplay that I’ve written has been picked up. I’m still pretty far from walking on the moon… bummer.

We have the tendency to gauge our life experience in terms of years. With each birthday, we reflect, asking “what have I accomplished in the last year?” or “how much deeper am I now than I was then?” But what is a year but a catalogue of moments. Rather than judging progress long term, why not live life in the moment. Take the risk. Pursue that ‘unrequited’ lover. Live and love each moment because each instant lost is a lifetime of missed experience.

white chocolate


Anonymous said...

I really like this! :)

Anonymous said...

these blogs are so existential-like and philosophical and all things sucky

Anonymous said...

Whatever, they can write whatever they want to; you don't have to read it.