
Skinny Girls

There are some obscenely skinny girls on campus. Like it's gross. You're not attractive. Get some meat on your bones. Me and Miss Abreves made a list of what you should eat:

Pizza with extra grease
Cheezburger with extra cheese
Sandwich with extra mayo, bacon, roast beef
Ice cream but NOT fro-yo
Mac n Cheese
Deep fried oreos
Nachos supreme
Whole milk
Pork chops
Chocolate chocolate cake
Human flesh

Don't vom,


Anonymous said...

this post is really inappropriate and offensive

Anonymous said...

methinks people get offended way too easily.

Anonymous said...

you're judgemental. Why don;t you rage against"fat" girls? or skinny guys, for that matter?
You;re no better than those high school losers who talk about how ugly and uncool other people are.
No body deserves being hated on.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

haha where'd you get this Barbie She's my idol.

Anonymous said...

dear offended one,

stop being fat, ugly, and annoying. you have pimples on your forehead. from all the chicken tenders you've been eating from the dc.

love always,

miss abbrevs

Anonymous said...

as one of the "skinny girls" on campus, i am highly offended. Some people are naturally skinny, and don't gain weight no matter what they eat. So those milkshakes you proposed won't make a difference. Also, perhaps you are not aware of the prevalence of eating disorders on this campus, but they are not something to be taken lightly. People can be so involved in their E.D. that it is nearly impossible to eat that piece of pizza. Talking about how skinny a girl (or boy) is only feeds the disorder, so maybe you should think twice before you post things like that.

As for your response to previously offended people, that was very uncalled for. You don't even know who it was. Since when did Vassar become a hater campus?

Anonymous said...

I agree with 8:24, Miss Abreves... that was over the line a bit....

But 8:24, Vassar is a hater campus.... people like to come here and Mads and other online places and hate on people... sad, but true, that they'll only do it anonymously, never to your face....

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way, bri: I am skinny and eat all of those things. We cannot control some aspects of the human body, such as being skinny. If it was about eating disorders or young people's need to fulfill a social standard, then the matter should have been treated more delicately, not in this offensive way.

Anonymous said...

or how about you grow a pair.

Anonymous said...

am I the only one who thinks that viva la white girl should stop blogging on this site? she only seems to offend people!

Anonymous said...

hmmm.... Well while I agree that there are lots of skinny girls on campus I wouldnt say its gross. I confess I too can be really jealous of the girls who can eat most anything and not have to bust their butts like I do to keep in shape. Nonetheless, viva, maybe this sort of lashing out should be left to gossip sites and not Blog9. There's a distinct difference in discussing your life and bashing people who may be different from you.

Side note: extra cheesy pizza or fried oreos isn't exactly the way to promote weight gain. There are much more effect, healthy ways to gain for those who do need it.

Anonymous said...

actually, as someone all too familiar with the eating disorder community...i didnt find this offensive. while i cant speak for those who are naturally thin [who i would advise just ignore the post...its just a blog...], i just found the post so over-the-top that it was difficult to take seriously...ps. sometimes people 'caught up' need a shock. speaking from 6 years of experience here.
and if you are truly offended, please, go read the newspaper.

Anonymous said...

deep fried snickers - my personal fave

Anonymous said...

Maybe if someone had made a post like this years ago, Karen Carpenter would still be with us. :(